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tv   The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann  RT  August 21, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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loading video for your media project for. a long time harvard in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture this morning bradley manning received his sentence for leaking classified documents to wiki leaks but what about the people behind the atrocities that manning brought to light were just their punishment should we be throwing them in jail too also three hundred tons of highly contaminated water of leaks from the storage plant at the ravaged fukushima nuclear power plant how much worse the situation for the sheema need to get before the world finally says no to nuclear power and more than a thousand egyptians have been killed since the egyptian military began its brutal crackdown on the muslim brotherhood last week we've seen the birth of another
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ruling dictatorship at the heart of the arab world. you need to know this senior obama administration officials said today that the national security agency began improperly collecting americans electronic communications that had no connection to terrorism way back in two thousand and eight but the government didn't learn of that problem in two thousand and two two thousand and eleven according to n.s.a. estimates the agency may have been collecting as many as fifty six thousand holy domestic communications every year the n.s.a. revealed the improper collection of e-mails to the pfizer court in two thousand and eleven which promptly demanded a halt to that snooping elsewhere on the national security front. bradley manning the soldier who was found guilty of leaking seventy five. pages seven hundred fifty
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thousand excuse me of classified government documents to wiki leaks was sentenced this morning to thirty five years in prison and a dishonorable discharge in the military many will be eligible for parole and could conceivably be out of prison in a little more than ten years you'll also get credit for the three and a half years that he's already spent in custody take a look at a clip manning's attorney speaking after the sentence was handed down. i want to share with you. peacey manny's statement that's part of this request. so we'll read it to you it was not until i was in iraq in reading secret military ports on a daily basis that i started to question the morality of what we were doing it was at this time i realized that our efforts to meet the risk posed to us by the enemy . we have forgotten our humanity as manny prepares to spend the next several years of his life behind bars his conviction and sentencing raises an important question
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man who was sentenced to thirty five years in prison for leaking stories about other people's crimes many of those crimes are as serious if not more serious than leaking classified information the crime committed by manning so where are the punishments for the people behind the crimes that were revealed by manning where the punishments for john yoo jay bybee two of the men behind the infamous torture memos prepared back in august of two thousand and two in march of two thousand and three by the department of justice which authorized the bush administration to use what the nazis used to call enhanced interrogation techniques we typically call torture john you wrote the march two thousand and three memo which argued that federal laws on the use of torture did not apply to american interrogators overseas . was use boston author of the earlier two thousand and two august memo those memos led the way for a widespread abuse of detainees that took place at abu ghraib prison from late two
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thousand and three to early two thousand and four. that abu ghraib were physically and sexually abused raped sodomized water boarded and in many cases killed yet despite those atrocities you and bybee have yet to face any punishment for their deplorable actions like you and by be the military commanders who ordered an attack on baghdad on july twelfth two thousand and seven when they killed scores of innocent civilians and murdered two writers and journalists have also avoided any type of punishment for their actions manning's leaks revealed that u.s. military officials deliberately withheld information about those killings it was the video footage of that attack that ignited the firestorm over wiki leaks and started our government's efforts to hunt down bradley manning. finally where the punishments for the bush administration members who led us into one of the bloodiest and unnecessary wars in history under false pretenses with
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a rigged intelligence wire at the war criminals george w. bush and dick cheney behind bars for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians for authorizing torture of prisoners of war and for taking the lives of thousands of american soldiers our conda lisa rice and donald rumsfeld still enjoying freedom after they have wide to sell us this war and then there's colin powell whose name largely floats under the radar in discussions about the failures of the iraq war powell stood up in front of the united nations on february fifth two thousand and three and told lie after lie to world leaders we know today that powell fabricated evidence and ignored warnings that what he was saying was completely false remember and paul got in front of the u.n. security council and said this. one of the most worrisome things that emerges from the thick intelligence far we have on iraq's biological weapons is the existence of mobile production facilities used to make biological agents let me take you inside
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that intelligence farm and share with you what we know from eyewitness accounts we have first hand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails colin powell went on to say that my colleagues every statement i make today is backed up by sources solid sources these are not assertions or we're giving you our facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence is by lying to the world like the rest of his bush administration cronies powell has escaped any type of punishment and gotten rich for his time in washington d.c. bradley manning said that the reason for his actions was that he was disillusioned by u.s. foreign policy hell bent on quote killing and capturing people while he opened our eyes to the atrocities in iraq and afghanistan. the people who committed and ordered those atrocities who are hell bent on actually doing the killing and capturing of people have yet to spend a single day in prison let alone thirty five years where's the outrage about that
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let's rumble. it's time for tonight's lone liberal rumble joining me tonight neil munro white house correspondent with the daily caller and jessie jane duff retired gunnery sergeant with the u.s. marine corps a member of the organizing committee of concerned veterans for america great to have you both but we used to lie so you all heard by my rant i'm of the opinion strongly that we have five and a half six arguably actually a lot more and that is i just iraq displaced persons several hundred thousand dead people for five thousand dead u.s. soldiers thirty or forty thousand amputees and people with severe wounds all as joe george w. bush told his biographer mickey herskowitz in one thousand nine hundred nine he said his father made a mistake in ending the war in one hundred hours he should have extended it for several months he would've gotten reelected george w.
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bush said he intended to do the same thing if he became president it's on the record mickey herskowitz has the tape recording of it that he wanted to have a war in iraq this is before nine eleven why are these guys not in jail in part because what they in the u.s. military did was knock over and nasty if you give the shia who is there our dictator give the shia a chance to live their own lives live in a quasi real going on where they're working their way well forward indeed we haven't killed all the. guys yet but give our military we're not home soon as they're technically their war and what's more technically they were not you guys were there before hand and more importantly sadam and these guys were a minority running the country and cruelly suppressing shia for decades now in the shia can live and pray and freedom they get to choose their own govern more or less they get to be friendly to. every week will admittedly life. and in this war your still photos your life is not perfect when you live alongside sunni and shia sunni
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radicals yes indeed so you sort of jesse iraq had nothing to do with nine eleven we all know that we knew that at the time you know bush and condi rice. why it isn't quite the right word deceived us about it but you know we went in anyway neal says we went in to take down the nasty dictator if that's our job why aren't we taking. out of. whichever one it is out of north sudan well it's well known and documented that al qaida had started moving into iraq so that's a policy that's now to say no it is very well known that when i was on active duty when all this point happened and i did see a lot of the intelligence i wasn't lied to and the reality is that the leader of al qaeda had moved in there and they were starting to have create militancy to get iraqis to eight is how. they were in the first carried out in ways that would have made those she'll look like to you i would never glorify saddam hussein on any law and you recall that it was that it was osama bin laden who organized a group of saudis after he reports this or that out of iraq to invade iraq from
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saudi arabia the king of saudi arabia had had osama bin laden arrested at the iraqi border because osama bin laden was coming in to attack the reality also this that's . their only hope that there were four other countries that backed up our intelligence this was not random intelligence they were not blatant lies that was a lot of evidence that shows intelligence was wrong the israelis told us there was always a lot of evidence as the intelligence was down how to fairly straightforward the enemy of my enemy is my friend osama was an enemy of the us the us it was and then we have. sold only. because israel is a guy who loves a deal is going to ride it and the great advantage of all this is that in the end it turns out that now sadam is dead iraqis reason. i'm making a step forward and what is more you're wrong about the nature of the war going into iraq if you listen to what osama said he said while after we went into iraq he said
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iraq is the center of the arab world it's the tent pole it's the millstone around which the whole village builds and we have now turned them into an ally over here and if the americans when we lose everything so that's likely because he pulled out if you are allowed there we will that way too early for a gazan of that prefers at the last to officially open in baghdad was the back of around who are partly correct on this i'm totally correct if the fight goes on perpetually but you notice which president was the one who was the would do our forces from iraq bradley manning exposing bradley manning and some of the lawyers the ministry i could actually go to jail people who are those crimes should i go to yes bradley manning i'm sorry i was on those those civilians you're going to get very two separate issues let's talk about bradley manning i was on active duty i had a security clearance and one thousand nine hundred six you understand what that means of having that clearance bradley manning these are be held accountable he is not going to be your term i think thirty five years in prison when he could have gotten . more crime and then he should have done and then what he should have done is
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going to be on a show where you know if you see a war there and you're not supposed to say yes sir i'm just taking order then he should have reported it there's a means to report this but he went on to sell the secrets that is illogical when you're honest he doesn't sound so he was gave my for there and here i use a vigilante and if you want to trust me i'm a phrase a whistle i'm afraid other people are going there is a sign of there's no trust or any evidence that he gave us these are you guys the green light of jihad government officials need to stay and operate within the law i know this is these work on a high gear and he broke the law he's going to jail i'm not saying he should he's going to start what i'm saying is that the people who he blew the whistle on should be going to. be evidence for crimes you. know if you treat mistakes are. not they did go to jail many of. the soldiers have already gone to jail probably graves that is not your reality and how many more should go my i think all the way up to george w. bush jay bybee and john allen sounds like
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a lot of the right that's not free george bush did not far as i slowly brought. the old. technology innovation all the list of elements around russia we've got the future covered. what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. or a stock to a standard of living. was
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a new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of joy and a great thing that has rendered it a quarter of what i found. is a story made sort of movies playing out in real life. what
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about these rights alone liberal rubble joining me again neil munro and jessie jane duff and let's get back to it on tuesday tepco the operator of the stricken daiichi nuclear power plant in fukushima japan notes that three hundred tons of highly contaminated water is leaked from a storage tank at the ravaged plant is new information has prompted regulators in japan to declare a radiological release incident for the first time since the disaster began back in two thousand and eleven bottom line is that the situation of fukushima right now is a screaming disaster they've got puddles of water around this plant right now that are blowing off ten rather ten reds an hour ten rads is like you stand there you're dead this is just this is insane isn't it time jessie is no time for the world to say enough already we don't know absolutely not actually when the nuclear disaster had occurred they've done studies with the world health organization and another
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part of an organization part of the. part of the united nations that there will be minimal effect upon this disaster simply because at the country reacted very quickly one hundred sixty seven employees that were affected by this were actually tested and they they don't even believe that many of them if any will have any topic there are fifty four thousand employees who already qualify for a one term disability because of their exposure yet but the study how did they get paid by the world health organization and the united nations have both come in there that these studies so there's no evidence that they know what i forty percent of our cancers are already showing up forty percent no they haven't seen anything right cancers in the children in fact the children were given a lower dosage facts well the facts i've read was that they were given very low dosage of iodine which should prevent thyroid cancer not like turn noble that had the increase dosages that caused the. as i am sure i didn't checked so so whether anybody has died there or not you can believe everything is fine but
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still this is an insane way to generate electricity because it's a risky way to generate electricity but if i understand the progressives are alarmed at carbon i believe we're going to a boil ourselves to death soon enough with global warming so we can't so no electricity to carbon no electricity through a nuclear so what are we supposed to do from ourselves with with solar panels someday that technology will arrive it hasn't arrived yet and pending its arrival i'm afraid the viewers of this berm i'm going to have to turn off their apples to shut down their t.v.'s and drink cool starbucks coffee this is ready in the united states everywhere but in germany oh in france perhaps sixty percent of power from nuclear power you can have energy only. in renewable energy. several plants are only in germany they it's company r. w. in germany owns a bunch of coal fired power plants they're shutting them down which is not you know why they're shutting them down the shutting down all the nukes according to plant operators wholesale electricity prices have become so low because of renewables
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this is the. plan that has now made over a million rooftops or solar coal fired nuclear plants are actually losing money right now in germany by selling energy prices the only reason they continue to operate is that they're still fulfilling contracts and several years ago which locked into higher energy prices way they've done this is to rig the system so that the cost of electricity is not actually done the way we do it consulting we do it is with ripped off you are going to consumers have to pay a separate bill for the subsidy to build a parallel generation network which produces a decent amount of power in windy days on sunny days but nothing at night nothing on candidates so power slush is in out of germany the other countries complain they and their get running into electricity shortages. electricity shortages by the way shut down production lines of course the germans lot of money and as i was on the street while fossil fuel said that the price has gone down because of the
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regulation by the government they're not allowing them to make a profit so essentially they've decided not to stay in business the renewable energy is only providing twenty five percent of their energy right now and what happens is it takes a pipe it takes priority on the grid and you can't save any of that energy but they're forcing with the regulations that the fossil fuels are basically going to be for non profit so they're saying screw we're not here like tracey emin's actually asking the plants to stay open and there's no one there's nobody has told me so i'm going to run a function because there is such a surplus of electricity during the day only days there's a mouse or only if you don't say so prices zoom all over the place and so ordinary business is say we can survive this or germany's germans are right about the mr smart grid to deal so let's you know not see it all of a clock no midnight but everything you write is not built right now but you know they have to do it out and we're doing this here in the united states twenty percent of all the electricity in texas is now being produced by wind that's what i sort of remark it is the wind but the government is forcing it is also these are handled anchovies and you're not smart is remarkable yes but not when the
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government is shutting down plants and requiring them to not make a profit there's no reasonable means for them to stay invisible chargers over larger larger juries not so small so those are going to spin and the weather is so bad and they have this is going to they were absolutely the cloudy and the end and supply voters just fluctuates wildly you can't run the country one day twice. one day and half the next it doesn't more actually you can't you know you can't actually there are a whole different variety wide variety of storage systems you know already there's no problem. during the day in the. car and it's and so what's driving up the cost in denmark what they're doing is they're building electric cars for people and they they plug them in at night they charge they feed back into the grid you buy a lecture a city. in the night because when power and during the day you go to work you plug it in you sell it back to the graduate in march where they live all squashed together in a time if your country america is different you will know stuff and yes america is
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he's run by you by oligarchy but from the fossil fuels through you are going to say you want to continue to dump their garbage also on the road as well as twenty five i want to continue to dump their garbage in our air and half the cost so they only have twenty five percent their energy coming from renewable energy so meanwhile they decide to shut these plants down what are they going to do for energy i love all the innovation and if you can do that practically or not they are now is shutting you down now and the most shocking thing is some american capitalists cover all this fracking yes now gas and natural gas is getting so cheap they are shutting down some of the coal plants because it's not worth it for the free market system gets this stuff i mean this is not a flame or if there's nothing free about this market because here you are and i are paying for the waste of these industries we are paying for the trash disposal and one of the their natural gas a waste were were not the noble poet sort of shut down everyone i knew you would think when you're voted to do it when you buy a. you're part of your right there is public costs that is imposed by private
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companies which we can compensate for but the trouble is when progressives run these things like when they run no interest how do you decide how roads how dispose of. wind power how do you dispose of the toxic ways are going to have if your is not attend you know if you the stories about the birds but the root the very rare bird that was going to be removed you would. have already upset about the cost of solar and wind how do you know there is not an alteration america that you can eat right now because of the mercury because of the coal fire power plants are the source are talking about while what i'm all for are beautiful and we are not against it for their waste but you want to continue the subsidies on fossil found insane to think about that either you're using the fossil fuel industry today or in any. spencers how it can even know it is not regulate. market is the there is no such that if it is why are you partially right it is the market pub the public cause some of the free government should regulate up to
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a point to spread the costs that otherwise would be imposed by companies on everyone else but progress is costly for gas then they need to impose public costs on huge numbers of people who dresses for example how great the housing bubble which we still have yet to recover the housing bubble that was created by phil gramm with gramm leach while it was a car showroom in a shack this is a public library. changing the subject which is a great strategy as the poet the general are a psychologist stop gun violence has come out with a new ad aimed at rallying support for ending the stand your ground shoot first was as powerful as pretty much a reenactment of the death of trayvon martin and includes portions of the martin nine eleven call the actual call. which. appeared to be ok we don't. know. if. we can i can't and i don't want to go on i don't know what's going on. there.
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but you can. you know. it. isn't the most disgusting thing about this jesse that the stand your gun shoot first was were promoted by the n.r.a. through the american legislative exchange council into the states simply to reduce the liability costs of owning guns so that people would be more willing to buy guns and in fact that's what that's what happened when these laws going to effect in states gun ownership goes up the industry makes more money it's just you know naked trafficking i mean death i have to disagree the most disgusting thing to me is. that this ad used a very false representation of stand your ground first of all george zimmerman didn't use that in his trial he used to he is defense he used in all defense he did
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not that was not his standing it's on the record that stand your ground was absolutely and laura doubt also there are more african-americans that are able to use stand your ground and actually went in trial a third of their population if you use that in homicide cases sixteen point six percent of the population of florida's after missing and jury every person has won their cases on stand your ground so stand your ground obviously helps both races that was an inflammatory. ensuring instruction that had something heat in his career and that was wrong because he never used that as his defend that is the that is never his death but it was never his defense it was you know what he won on self-defense you can only claim still to self so he could only claim self-defense he would. let me finish one sentence here he could only claim self-defense if he was asserting that the incident began at the moment he encountered trayvon martin. had he asserted that the incident began at the moment he got out of his car with a gun in his hand or in his wallet in his belt he would not have been able to claim
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self-defense and it was the stand your ground law and it was the stand your ground doctrine that allowed him to do that that is florida law read the jury and start. the witness evidence says zimmerman the hispanic did neighborhood help or was on his back and marking the seventeen year old was over him his you know when you got shot you have evidence strongly suggests that judging by the powder burns on. both of you are trying to relive the trayvon no i'm saying this that adds to the state's stand your ground shoot first laws what you see is a higher rate of homicides and a higher rate of gun ownership would be the other way this is not going to is why do you assume the causation goes one way when in fact. it's three shows most of our guns you have the more often people get shot a match that's wow a good old. so in this country people get to defend themselves and they don't have to wait for the cops they don't have to wait for the government to say you can now do we have always going to be able to defend ourselves more has and. we've always
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had guns we've always been able to defend ourselves and this is really some wonder gee of this country and no they're not going to have enough social roles david why they're not hash out why it's murder rates have the highest they have the toughest gun laws if you remove chicago you remove new york you remove washington as you well know the orleans should be like you were you know lower for prez and you know well no we're all but we have murder rate sounds like it's not like this we have to figure it out because there was nobody around bill ritter oh just a j and yes you got the last word thanks for being the book coming up back in two thousand and eleven the egyptian people overthrew the ruling dictatorship at a time to usher in a new era of democracy but with chaos and violence taking over egypt once again could that dictatorship return with a venue. mission
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. critical three. years three. arrangement
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three. three. three. three. videos for your media projects a free media. bag the big picture on top marvin coming up in this half hour it's been a week since egypt's military broke up the protest camps of the muslim brotherhood supporters the country remains in turmoil and over a thousand people have been killed the former president hosni mubarak leaving prison things are about to get even messier more on that just a moment also as egypt's generals clamp down on democracy the right wing billionaires would fund the american legislative exchange council continue to clamp down on the middle class activists who help expose alec but the group's latest scheme like everyone in the dark about what it's billionaire backers want to do
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next and journalism is not a job or a career it's an act and we need to continue to protect the act of journalism by upholding the first of many more on that and tonight still take. in the best of the rest of the news egypt's political crisis took yet another turn this afternoon with news that former dictator hosni mubarak will be placed under house arrest when he gets out of prison on thursday a cairo court had ordered his release earlier in the day meanwhile mohamed morsi the country's first democratically elected president mubarak's successor arguably is still being detained. by the egyptian armed forces at undisclosed locations somewhere in the arab world's most populous nation more than a thousand people have been killed since egypt's military began its crackdown on
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the muslim brotherhood last week and many fear that the rise in bloodshed could devolve into a full fledged civil war in the news of mubarak's penny release yesterday's arrest of the head of the muslim brotherhood as well as reports that the new government is leaning toward banning the brotherhood altogether some are saying that the dictatorship gyptian is over through in february two thousand and eleven might soon return with a vengeance but now that we know barak will go on house or in the house arrest when he leaves prison things look a little more complicated so what's really going on in egypt and what can or should the united states do to resolve the situation let's ask rebecca truman fellow and chair of the middle east and north africa expert group at the truman national security project a welcome thanks for having me nice to have you here with us and i should say you were an observer in egypt during the elections you spent a lot of time there you know the area of the great well what's first of all what's your sense of just what the situation it's really i mean as we see this situation
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remains in flux and every day that you think it can't get worse that somehow does seem to get a little bit worse my hope is that people kind of take a step back from the brink and really realize that there needs to be a political solution and there needs to be a political solution that includes all egyptians and it doesn't exclude any party you've talked about one of your concerns is rhetorical or about the rhetoric that's being erased it's not rhetorical and sort of telling them you know the way that i've looked at this is there's a difference between failure of the state which is a political failure and disintegration of the nation and that's what i see that's going on in egypt right now is that idea of what it means to be egyptian for one group is becoming exclusionary of the other and that really concerns me because my family comes from lebanon and lebanon was in a war my entire childhood and that was. was very much based in part on the idea of one one group's vision of what it meant to be lebanese and belonging to the country
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necessarily exclude the other and i just don't see any way that egypt can move forward if they continue in that direction so if one side serves referred to as a. rather them or is now an egyptian or is finding ways to kind of excuse violence and and who is doing the who both sides both sides are doing and i mean. there's a distinction in terms of the numbers of people that were killed over the past week and the fact that one of them was was killed by the state the state has a special responsibility not to use excessive force against citizens but we should notice that when the brotherhood was in power there was also violence against protesters who were protesting them and there have been over fifty churches throughout the country that have been torched by supporters of president morsi but also that have not been protected properly by the state and so you see that minority groups in egypt are also and during morsi is presidency there was a lot of negative language also against shia groups and so you really do see that
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the rhetoric being used is it allowing people to get sensitized to the idea of violence against their fellow egyptian and that is a dark place we saw the iraq most recently see it were you know where the the sunnis in the shoes began it was the old. senior joke you know when you know elephants fight to get trampled the sunnis and shias were fighting each other and in the process all of the various smaller religious minorities or ethnic minorities were frankly getting murdered is that the sort of thing that's point to egypt i mean that's certainly the concern of the coptic community and egypt and other kind of small communities and i think that it's generally a concern for the christian community throughout the arab world and i think it be a real shame and i think that the error. the country has lost something when we lost for instance our jewish communities for whatever reason we really lost plurality is a good thing and i think that it would be
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a real shame the coptic community is ancient within egypt and has been there as long as there has been in egypt and i think that if you saw their numbers there ten percent of the country i think if you saw their numbers decrease it would really mean something very negative for the future of egypt but also for the future of the region if we can have a plural society the egyptian government the military is conflating the brotherhood with essentially talking about them as terrorists is is religiously motivated fundamentalist terrorists what are your thoughts on. i mean i think that they're doing that for a reason and they're doing that first to actually play to an international audience and i think they're doing that again to be able to then justify excessive violence against them but but i also think it's important. in terms of being able to like think of the political process to notice that for instance when there were forty three and geo workers who were arrested and put on trial including americans that happened under the military government and so in terms of having
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a real revolution there really hasn't been a revolution because the state institutions under mubarak have remained in place so should the united states and other countries should we be backing away from the region or jumping into the region is a big debate about foreign i think that the thing that's interesting about that debate on foreign aid is it just shows how narrow our engagement with the region has become it's based on a large military foreign aid and that's the almost the totality of our engagement which number one just shows that this one form of leverage is not enough to actually be able to move the direction or influence anything within but also shows that right now the u.s. is so unpopular that the generals would get more popular if they told us that they didn't want their aid do you see the place that. but that's and you know really when president obama went to cairo in two thousand and nine and gave that speech the reason that was such a special moment is because it was an american president going to the people of the
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region and saying i see you i think u.s. citizens and i think people and i care about your aspirations and the unfortunate part of our policies didn't shift accordingly to actually make a relationship with people in the region rather than just the military or dictate i was for guitar more about that because i have a feeling that there's a whole lot of money behind a lot of that in those decisions too but back to what i think you know two things are having me and thank you so much for being. in screwed news egypt egypt generals are not the only ones trying to clamp down on democracy right here in the united states alan the american legislative exchange council has just finished its annual meeting is once again leading the charge to clamp down on workers' rights to suppress minority voters and generally destroy the middle class alec has gained notoriety over the past year or so in part because
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activists have worked hard to expose the groups basically bribery of state legislators to the public but right now in texas alec is trying to make it a lot harder for the american people to find out how alec is going to try and screw up next for more on this i'm joined now by brandon fisher attorney general counsel of the center for media and democracy brennan welcome back thanks for having me good to have you with us so what is alec up to in texas well this is not really only what they're up to in texas it's what they're up to in all fifty states over the last forty years has been able to operate in secret with no one paying attention and it's really only in the past over the past two years where the sunlight has begun to shine on alec and they and they have not done well with the sunlight shining on them and they'd much rather sneak back into the shadows so over there in recent months they've begun stamping their documents with a disclaimer asserting. immunity from every state's public records law. in texas this is the first state where they've actually asked the attorney general to grant
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them an explicit exception from that state although a pause for a second the public records laws basically say that if if you have an organization and you are interacting with our state legislators even one and there is some kind of a transaction going on somebody is getting something somebody is doing something i as a voter have a right to know what that is and i can sue for that information sort of a freedom of information act that's exactly right information and what alec is saying is that we don't want anybody to have free information about what we're up to that's right that's right and it's especially important for a group like alec that exists to facilitate special interest influence that exists so lobbyists can access legislators push legislation and basically buy influence corporations pay alec membership dues because they want to influence legislators and we are hundreds of thousands millions of dollars it's a lot of it's a lot of money it's a lot of money so the idea that the public should not know that this is happening that these transactions that are happening between lobbyists and legislators by way
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of alec but the idea that the public should not know that's happening is ludicrous so you wrote a letter to greg abbott about this have you heard back we haven't we haven't yet so alec weighed in july thirty first we submitted our letter last week that it was. so greg abbott is the is a republican he's very conservative he's running for governor in texas on the state and he's a state attorney general but from what we've heard within texas he is very good on open and transparent government because that's not about that's not a partisan issue or all people should be able to know what their legislators are doing what sort of what sort of role their representatives are playing on their behalf legislators do attend meetings in their official capacity as representatives of the state as representatives of the. constituents and that's something that everyone should be should be concerned about and i think people should be the open records law is clear that if you're acting on behalf of the state that those every
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state in the case that are every state has them they are each state is a little bit different not every legislature is subject to the the open records law but in most states they are and. start preparing model legislation that takes down open records was next you know that they already proposed that we i haven't seen that i think that's that's very that's very possible i'm guessing that their first step is going to be texas because they do have a potentially receptive attorney general we don't think he's going to abide by the really ludicrous claims but they have asserted immunity from every state's open records law and now i guess what has ever been tested this is the first time it's been tested in wisconsin we had a legislator in the national board of alec who attended an alec meeting but said she had no documents inferences that she is abiding by this disclaimer from alec this claim of immunity from alex we brought a lawsuit lawsuit against her and that lawsuits currently pending alec itself
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hasn't weighed in in texas this is the first place where she's just saying the guardian my homework i got no. yes something along those lines thanks so much for being all right thanks for having me. coming up the freedom of the press is in shrine in our constitution but now some senators are trying to redefine who and what the press is and take i'll tell you why their plan is such a bad idea. what defines a country's success. baselessly years of economic growth. or standard of living.
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here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call. a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot of money you sold our soul you know what kind of terror cells in your neighborhood all want to go see the featuring the olympics and the crystal. consumers really going to the globe are going to distract us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm out here martin and we're going to break this that.
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is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details and specifics and misinformation and media hype will keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream has stated it's been your right. leg. playing. time as a new alert animation scripts scare me a little. the law there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news alleged alexander's family cry tears
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of the war and integrate things other than their. own rendered in a court of law. is a story may sort of movies playing out in real life. many on the left are. when the obama supporters to the phones on the mr miller get results for tonight's politically correct correct talking head steve doocy of fox so-called news senior sporting wax lips with fangs for a segment on a hollowing candy in two thousand and ten today's edition of fox and friends to see
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claim that a new program under obamacare will force families to receive home visits from among officials to assess at risk children take over. obama care may soon be knocking at your door literally a brand new federal program will spend a quarter of a billion dollars two hundred twenty four million taxpayer dollars to send government home inspectors to your house saying the program will help at risk kids so is obamacare trumping your right to privacy snooping on you and your family the program the do see is referring to is the affordable care act's completely bolland terry nothing forced about it completely voluntary maternal infant and early childhood home visiting program and the e.c. agency in two thousand and eleven the department of health and human services awarded two hundred twenty four million dollars in grants from m i c h m and i e.c.
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h.p. to support the states already existing home the voluntary home visit programs that according to the department of health and human services bring quote nurses social workers and other health care professionals to meet with at risk families who agreed to meet with them in their homes in some states like rhode island families can request a home visit through community health services while health care providers can refer families who are interested in the program as well the home visit program will then work with families to provide them with the resources that they want the home visit program offers a variety of beneficial services including educating parents about child development helping low. income mothers find prenatal health care and encouraging healthy parent child relationships to reduce the incidence of child abuse d.h.h.s. conducted a review of the home visit program and its services and found evidence that the services actually do provide improved maternal health child development reductions
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in child maltreatment and family economic self-sufficiency so sorry steve your example of the nanny state run amok is a come it's actually a completely voluntary program that's doing a lot of good for american families and a lot of american families want and that's why you've been politically correct. just. crazy alert you've heard of fenway doff franks you've heard of dodger dogs but you know the now you can buy a carlos danger dog earlier this month illinois based thrush would farms quality meats in orlando based entrepreneur randall richards launched their new joint venture carlos danger l.l.c. company signature product is the danger dog and its namesake is the digital alter ego of new york city's hardest campaigner the one and only anthony weiner danger
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dogs are one hundred percent real beef and are advertised as the one brand of hot dogs that's on air the ones lips and according to the carlos danger l.l.c. website you know pretty much everything you want was a danger dog company insurer encourages its customers to quote jerk it with a jerk spice plug good well what or just figure it out on your own sounds like fun only problem is that unlike the real pro its dangers we hear is novelty carlos danger is winner. not kosher. just. it's the good the bad and the very very an o.e. and. plea ugly they're good for ted cruz hecklers a group of protesters confronted roky texas senator ted cruz that even at an event
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in dallas yesterday and blasted him for trying to defund obamacare they yelled you have health care so can we get out. here is a new paradigm. gentlemen thank you for sharing your views. you know part of the first amendment is about respecting the views of others . those protesters are spot on the fact that cruz and other far right senators want to stop tens of millions of americans from getting affordable or even free health care while they themselves have free health care is just shameful the bad paul taylor creation today host has some interesting theories about the behavior of the king a lizard strain of service rex take a look. one thing is you all that. like time on the sauce were not created to eat meat god created all creatures to eat. and he gave some of
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them shop teeth so they would be able to do so. as a vegetarian i kind of wish it was so but there's just so much wrong with that clip first of all the t.-rex wasn't created to evolve from earlier dinosaurs from lizards and now through natural selection and second of all some scientists do think the t.-rex was a scavenger and didn't kill all of its meals it certainly ate meat the creationist want to be taken seriously they might want to get the basic facts straight first. in their creationists so facts really aren't their thing in the first book. and there is a very ugly bet. him and gerry godsey earlier this week when a prominent televangelist had money godsey on his show to talk about my god z's ex gave therapy work during their discussion when godsey claimed that he could identify whether a person was demonized as code word for gay by observing what colors they use to
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draw their brain stick a look. now one thing that surprised me is for you maybe me is going to leave now figure out so people it would give when i was but i do know that you can actually see when i vision people's brains which i can now what would stop you can see demise ation in people's way yeah. but i won't mention that tells me if someone has to want to know let me explain what he just said to you what he has you do about it we're going to show you materials that you didn't have one good on . that was such a slur and one god's a actually take this hateful quack science seriously and are promoting it on his show it's fair or.
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right now more or less dianne feinstein and other members of the u.s. senator just trying to define the word press in the same press that is mentioned right at the beginning the first amendment to the constitution no matter how well intentioned their plan maybe it could backfire pretty badly when news first broke back in may that the justice department and seized the phone records of associated press reporters and track the movements of fox news's james rosen it was a great opportunity for congress to pass these stronger protections for the freedom of the press that frankly liberty requires the public was outraged and big name center. years from both parties including new york's chuck schumer and south carolina republican lindsey graham proposed new laws to protect journalists from prosecution that bipartisan push for a media shield laws now hit a snag and that snag includes senators like california's dianne feinstein who don't
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think bloggers and tweeters should have the same first amendment protections as reporters who work for big corporate outfits like fox or the new york times in its current form the senate's media shield law requires the justice department to give any journalist a forty five day heads up when they want to snoop. a journalist according to the pending bill as anyone who has a primary intent to investigate events and procure material sounds pretty simple right well known not for dianne feinstein of california senator told her colleagues earlier this month that she's worried that the word journalist is so vague that the proposed media shield law could provide special privileges to those who are not reporters all in senator feinstein's opinion really reporters have salaries in other words they work for official news agencies recognized by the washington establishment senator feinstein wants to make sure that the senate's media shield law doesn't save wiki leaks from prosecution but if congress were to limit media
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shield protections only to aid journalists that would leave any number of bloggers tweeters and independent citizen journalists open to prosecution by the federal government just because they don't take home a paycheck and that is just plain wrong journalism is not a profession or a person can argue that it includes those but really it's an act anyone who comments on the news anyone who cultivates sources anyone who breaks stories about government or corporate corruption that person is engaging in an act of journalism supreme court justice potter stewart once said about pornography that he knew it. he saw it the same goes for journalism you know when you see it sounds vague but it's true the idea of journalism as an act is especially relevant today with the rise of the internet digital journalism anyone who wants to be part of the press can be part of the press you don't need special qualifications you don't need a j.
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school degree just a good news sense and some good hard work if the purpose of the press is to inform the public than bloggers and twitter users and even wiki leaks for that matter fit the bill they may not get paid for what they do but what they do is an essential part of the democratic process an essential check on the powers of government and essential to the american to american liberty independent free lance blogs and organizations like wiki leaks are arguably even better news sources and traditional media outlets because they are compromised by corporate sponsors and they're open to anyone who can break a story constitution mentions only one industry by the name and that industry is the press for the founding fathers there was no institution more important for a democratic society outside of government than a free and independent media right there at the top of the bill of rights in the
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first of them they wrote that congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. but the press is a special industry it should include everyone who publishes tweets or comments on the news and should include everyone who acts to inform the public and those acts deserve protection regardless of who does them or. you know thomas jefferson once said he'd rather have newspapers without a government than a government newspapers if jefferson were alive today he'd probably say the same thing about blogs twitter and frankly about wiki leaks for the first amendment to keep us free we must fight to keep the definition of the press as all inclusive as possible we must demand that our elected representatives protect act of journalism rather than just a professional journals i know journalism when i see it i'm guessing you do to anyone who informs the public about what's going on in the world in the halls of
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congress or the streets of their city is engaging in journalism period end of story . and that's the way it is tonight wednesday august twenty first two thousand and thirteen and no forget democracy begins with you get out there get active to your city.
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11:00 pm
today i'm larry king now day and let's come again i goes under oath on is doing to or you want the truth from a comedian you want us to go out there and be as blunt and honest and kind of say the thing that's on everybody's mind i knew going into that day that it would probably be one of the most emotional days sort of returning to where my career started where i grew up plus i tell performers do not google yourself google other people you would mire and read the crap about them and you'll feel better about yourself all ahead on larry king now. welcome to larry king now actor and standup comic damed up he broke records with the double platinum album retaliates in the highest charting.


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